Well, thank you for that. I just got back from MD Anderson and got what seem slike the first good news I have gotten during this whole process.
The results fro my brain MRI, and my PET scan were negative for other cancer in my body. It appears to be contained within my lungs. that is a minor miracle in itself, as as theradiologist confided in me today that if my lever of cancer had spread "outside the box", it would not have been survivable for me. So, that's great news for me, and I still have my 20% chance at survival.
The next update was that we may be changing the aproach a bit. The radiologist after reviewing all fim on my lungs feels that, dueto the amount of involvement of the lymph nodes in my lungs and the extent/spread of thecancer, if I DID survive this cancer, there would not be enough heathy tissue left in my lungs to provide me with any decent quality of life. Therefore he wanted to talk to the oncologist about doing a couple rounds of chemo first, hoping to shrink theing a bit and give him a better opportunity to nuke the tumors without trashing all of the surrounding tissue.
So that is where we are at. I go to get surgery to get my port put in tomorow morning, and still planning at least on starting chemo on Monday.
We'll take any bit of good news that we can get Bud!! Now let's get that port in and start working on those tumors. Shrink the hell outta them. In the meantime, Budweiser always helps! Keep up the good work Freshey!
You know Darren if you'd have told me 10 years ago that someday I was going to solve the world's energy problems I'd have said your crazy.... now lets drop this big ball of oil out the window.
Fresh, you're going to kick the shit out of this thing! I'm really glad to hear the such good news from yesterday. That's about the best thing you could have told me buddy!
Official Driver of the Eagles Bandwagon!!! Bleedin' Green since birth!
"Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many." - Mike Willey
I hate everything the Cowboys stand for. If you think they are America's team, then you support everything that is wrong with America. The excess, the greed, the lack of maturity, the lack of responsibility, the lack of control. - Luzinski's Gut
I'm back from my surgery today. Got the port in my chest, and damn if this F-ing thing don't hurt. I don't have much fat or loose skin on my chest, and the thing feels like it's routed thru my chest muscle(pecs). MF-er! My typing is going to be even wore than norma because I'm only using the left hand. And they told me I can't drink tonite. Bastards.
Just got the call from my Onc. The new plan is a 6 hour dose of chemo on Monday, and then again in 3 weeks. Hard to understand when they were going to dose me daily, and now it is one day, wait three weeks, and then one day again. She said they would be using a different chemo drug for this approach. After that is over, they will begin the chemo and radiation in tandem. I have to go in and met with her to discuss specifics about the changes tomorrow morning. I'm so friggin confused at this point...........
Just got the call from my Onc. The new plan is a 6 hour dose of chemo on Monday, and then again in 3 weeks. Hard to understand when they were going to dose me daily, and now it is one day, wait three weeks, and then one day again. She said they would be using a different chemo drug for this approach. After that is over, they will begin the chemo and radiation in tandem. I have to go in and met with her to discuss specifics about the changes tomorrow morning. I'm so friggin confused at this point...........
From what I understand, there are no two case that are exactly alike, so they try different methods and see what works for the individual.
Whatcha Gonna Do Brother, When the Eagles run wild on you?